December 16, 2010

A Letter To India... who wants to learn always (Medical and Engineering courses in Tamil: An analysis)

The Indian Public,

"The Tamilnadu Govt. has declared that in Tamilnadu, the language of teaching for engineering courses will be in Tamil from the academic year 2010 and for medical courses the same will be from 2011."
I have gone through various online newspaper where we can go through different comments maximum of them are criticizing this move of Tamilnadu Govt. But if you think about this move you can find that by this move the technical education will be possible to the end section of students who are brilliant but can't think of study these courses as they can't found themselves easy with the English they choose other courses. I am asking to the persons who have criticized this move, please think about the poorest one who is not able to take eduction in the private schools who teaches in English and they have to rely on the Govt. schools where teaching medium is generally the local language of that state. How can they go through the higher education and can help in progress of our country. I want to know from the professionals who are working in the MNC's or other such offices that is it not true that a very few person is required to handle the client of such offices and their jobs are specified. There is no need for all employee in handling the client. And it is well said if we work with our mother language then it is easy to understand the job and the method going to applied for completion of that job.Many people have told that every terms are in English or other language then why they were not trying to use those English or Foreign language word in Hindi or local language too, it will not deteriorate the Hindi or other local language. The foreigners are using many words from Sanskrit and Hindi themselves even it there are many terms which are introduced in English Dictionary or Encyclopedia. Why we barred local languages to be a medium of teaching than accepting those foreign word. I have got that in those comments the people are asking what is the need of Local language as we already know it, then Sir, due to you people many local language is becoming instinct, is it not our duty to save our language and our culture which is based on that language. Do you know that we are learning English or other foreign languages like french on our cost because of our client who are maximum foreigners and maximum of their projects are handled in our country due to cheap labor charges. Can't we make them learn our language if they have to got services after all we are making the projects to be less costly. The Chinese are doing the same, they don't learn the English and they use translators for this work, then why we can't do so.
I think in whole India the medium of study should also be made in local languages or some major language. It will be seen in the pretext of pride not in the pretext of globalization or conservative mind. Please think over it, my dear citizens of India... We are with the population over 100 million not they are, then why we can't make them learn our language in place of learning theirs.

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